Wednesday, November 13, 2019

From Shorts to A Shovel

October absolutely flew by. We literally went from wearing shorts to using our snow shovels in just a few weeks! The month was a whirlwind of different events and activities at the middle level. Each and every day our students have amazing opportunities both during the school day and after hours to get involved, to pursue their interests and to challenge themselves. We continue to be committed to creating, promoting and supporting academically rigorous and developmentally responsive programs for our adolescent learners. Here are a few of the things that took place in October:

Career Fair
We had over 40 different community members representing a variety of careers at our annual Career Fair, filling our gym with energy and enthusiasm. Our 8th grade students had the opportunity to ask questions and learn about a variety of industries and possible career paths. Through those conversations we hope that a spark is ignited in our students to follow a path that is right for them whether it be college, trade school, military, or any other type of training that matches their interests and passion. This is a great event to get our students to start thinking about their future. Surprisingly, very few seem interested in becoming a School Principal! 

WGMS Top Spellers
Spelling Bee
The District Spelling Bee is one of the most nerve racking experiences I have every school year. And I’m not a participant! Top spellers from our four elementary schools and two middle schools come together to compete for the title of District Spelling Bee Champion. More impressive than anyone’s ability to spell, is the courage it takes to get up on stage, hold the microphone and try to spell a word all by yourself with 150+ people staring at you. There was certainly an air of nervousness in the room felt by both the participants and all of the adults in the audience. But as our students often do, when faced with adversity or an uncomfortable situation, they rise to the occasion. All of our participants were absolutely amazing and should be commended for their bravery!

A special shout-out to WGMS 8th grader Josephine Simpson who was the District Spelling Bee Champion. Congratulations Josephine!

Students of the Month
As a building we celebrate those that carry themselves in a way that we can all be proud of. Last week we recognized our ‘Students of the Month’ for October. We continue have students, who through their actions and character, help to create a positive school environment. Choosing ‘Students of the Month’ isn’t about grades and athletic or musical prowess, it’s about demonstrating all of the qualities that we value and celebrate - exemplary work ethic, citizenship, character, compassion, honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, optimism and/or leadership in creating a positive school environment. As a school community we are extremely grateful for students who day in and day out show up, work hard, do their best, and make our school a better place.

This month we recognized 6th graders Clyde Allen, Logan DeWaters, Christina Guglielmi, and Julian Kurtz; 7th graders Norah Emery, Calina Olson, Connor Parker, and Jonathan Shoults; and 8th graders Noah Austin, Lamees Hussein, Nick Lauro, and Fefe Zawahreh. Well deserved and congratulations to all!

6th Grade Students of the Month

7th Grade Students of the Month

8th Grade Students of the Month
Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call or send me an email. 

Continued Success,
Steve Dunham
Twitter: @Sdunhamwgms