Wednesday, October 24, 2018

It's a Spooktacular October

This Friday is our annual Halloween Spooktacular from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. This is an awesome event sponsored by our WGMS PTA that gives our kids an opportunity to show up to dance, play BINGO, shoot hoops, sing karaoke, and eat a lot of foods likely not found on the 'whole-30 diet'. It really is a terrific evening of fun! Pre-sale tickets are on sale today through Friday for $3 and are also available at the door for $5. To pull off this type of event off you need great planning and you need people willing to step up and volunteer their time. With that, I want to give a HUGE shout-out to our PTA for making it happen. If you are available and would like to help please let us know.

Students and staff at the Middle Level do dress up for Halloween. We work hard and we like to have fun as well. Throughout the day staff will nominate students for their costumes and then during 9th period we hold our annual Halloween Costume Contest. Students that were nominated for their costume are invited to compete and possibly be recognized in one of our costume categories including Scariest, Best Homemade, Funniest, Most Creative and Movie/Book Character. Halloween is a fun day and we encourage everyone to get into the spirit if they choose to. 

Positivity Project
This week our focus at WGMS is on the character trait PERSPECTIVE. As a building we have been discussing what PERSPECTIVE is all about:

"Truly LISTENING to others, working to UNDERSTAND different points of view and trying to SEE THE BIG PICTURE is what PERSPECTIVE is all about." 

At home, think about different opportunities where you could have a conversation with your child about PERSPECTIVE to help reinforce what we are talking about here at school.  To help you make connections here is the link to the Positivity Project Character Card for PERSPECTIVE.

Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Best of luck finalizing your Halloween costume!

Continued Success,

Steve Dunham
Twitter: @Sdunhamwgms