Thursday, August 27, 2015

Putting Ideas Into Action

At the end of last year we were involved in conversations about transforming the middle level experience for students. In a blog late in the school year I wrote “As we think about what our students truly need in order to be prepared for their future our focus is on skills rather than stuff. Our students need skills that transcend all content areas, all situations, and can continue to evolve and grow as they develop as young men and women. Leadership, digital literacy, communication, emotional intelligence, entrepreneurship, global citizenship, problem solving and teamwork are the essential skills that our students need for their future; whatever that future looks like.”

There is a big difference between having a vision for how things could be and actually making it happen. Listening to all of the Presidential candidates (19 at last count?) it reinforces the concept that big ideas without a plan to implement them aren’t anything more than a good sound bite on the evening news. Real change never truly occurs when the only true action taken is talk.

What is so exciting and energizing now is that the conversations of last Spring have become meaningful change at the middle level. All of the talk around transforming what we do in order to better prepare our students for their future is being backed up with action. Teachers have been working very hard over the summer writing curriculum, creating PBL and inquiry-based learning experiences for our students, and attending various professional development opportunities with a focus on utilizing the Google platform. We have added a Digital Literacy course for our 6th grade students, created a master schedule that allows for greater collaboration and planning for teachers and we are in the midst of a three year plan to bring some High School offerings to the middle level. The transformation of the middle level experience for our students is underway!

In addition to program changes we have also transformed our Guidance services at WGMS. We are excited to have a third school counselor, Kathleen Weber, joining Crystal Best and Cindy Kurz on our Guidance team. Kathleen has been at Camillus Middle School for the past 11 years in the same role and brings a great deal of experience and enthusiasm to our building. Each of our counselors is now assigned to a specific grade level and will loop with students through their three years with us. This will not only allow our counselors to continue to develop strong relationships with all of their students over three years, it will also streamline our counselor’s ability to work with grade level teachers to better support the needs of our students. This year Cindy will be working with our 6th grade students, Kathleen with our 7th graders, and Crystal with our 8th graders.

The essential question associated with anything that we do must be “what is best for kids?” Our staff deserves all of the credit for making these ideas come to life for our students! We are really excited to get the 2015-2016 school year started and even more excited that at the middle level we are truly on the path to better preparing our students for their future.

Continued Success,
Steve Dunham