Friday, January 13, 2017

January Update

It is hard to believe that we are quickly approaching the second semester of the school year. While we focus on finishing this year strong, it is also time to begin planning for the 2017-2018 school year. Scheduling letters were just sent home to our families of students in all three grades to provide an overview of the different course requirements and possible electives that they can take as they begin to think about the next school year.

In addition to the letters, school counselors have been connecting directly with our 8th grade students to discuss the scheduling process and the opportunities that students have as they prepare to make the move to the High School. An important component in the scheduling process and transition to the High School for our 8th grade students is our 8th Grade Parent Night which will take place on Tuesday, January 24th at the West Genesee High School Auditorium at 7:00 PM.

All Students Can Achieve Great Things
At the start of the school year you may remember me discussing our entire staff engaging in a summer reading of the book Mindset by Carol Dweck, Ph.D. in one of my blogs. During our faculty meetings this school year we have been diving into the book and learning a great deal about the science of motivation, the value of meaningful feedback and the power of our words when we speak to our children in a school setting, at home and on the athletic fields. With effort, motivation, perseverance and a variety of strategies and approaches, all of our students can achieve great things in school and in their other pursuits.

While working closely with Mrs. Lozier, Camillus Middle School Principal, on this staff professional development, we thought that it would be extremely valuable and worthwhile to put together a middle level workshop for parents to share some of the really powerful things that we have discovered. With that, please mark your calendar for the Got Growth Mindset! Presentation on January 31st at 6:30 PM at West Genesee Middle School in the cafeteria. In one hour we will share with you strategies, tips and examples of how to help build a growth mindset with your child at home and what we can do as adults to build more resilient children. Working with nearly 700 young adolescent student-athletes, student-musicians, and their parents on a daily basis, I can assure you that we need to build more resiliency in our kids. We hope you will join us on January 31st.

Continued Success,
Steve Dunham

Twitter: @Sdunhamwgms