Monday, September 17, 2018

We Could All Use A Little Positivity

Interaction Time has started, all of our modified sports teams have their first games of the season this week, and with the first full week of school in the rearview mirror we are off and running. Of all of the terrific things happening to start the year, we are most excited about kicking-off the Positivity Project (P2) at WGMS last week.

On Monday we officially joined every other school in the district and became a partner school with the Positivity Project. The mission of the P2 is to empower America’s youth to build positive relationships. No matter who you are Relationships Matter and the research is clear: you are more likely to live a happy and healthy life by making connections with other people and living with high character.

Simply put: Other People Matter.

Check out this video of Mike Erwin explaining the Other people Matter mindset that all of our students saw as part of our kick-off event. This could be used as a great prompt for a discussion with your child about the Positivity Project and what it means to have an Other People Matter Mindset. 

Every Monday morning we will be extending homeroom for 15 minutes so that we can have meaningful discussions about each of the 24 character strengths that P2 focuses on and that research has proven to build powerful behaviors and increase our ability to live in a positive manner. Our goal as a school is to help all of us make connections with one another to develop and foster the Other People Matter mindset, as well as 24 P2 characteristics in all of us.
We know that families will be eager to partner with WGMS in increasing your child’s character strengths and in helping them to continue to develop positive relationships. You can view the calendar of when we study each character trait by clicking here.
In a world which could use a lot more kindness, teamwork, humility, fairness, integrity, open-mindedness, self-control, tolerance and love (just to name a few character traits), you can see why we are so excited about the Positivity Project. Relationships matter. Other people matter. By empowering our students with the ability to build positive relationships and develop strong character, we are helping to prepare them to be successful now and in the future.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
Continued Success,

Steve Dunham