Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fast September

It is hard to believe that next week we turn the calendar to October. This has been a really fast month and a wonderful start to the school year. We are looking forward to finishing this month strong.

Week 3 of the Positivity Project has us focussed on the character trait of TEAMWORK. Teamwork is the ability and willingness to place overall group success as a higher priority than individual achievement. 

Being part of a TEAM takes work. Whether is sports, a school or business, you need to be selfless, you need to be giving and you need to be willing to put the needs of the group over your own. You cannot expect to be successful on a TEAM, or as a TEAM, if individuals are consumed with themselves. That is the Disease of Me: a selfish mindset where the needs of the group are brushed aside for your own personal interests. We all rely on others to be successful and we all need to embrace the Other People Matter mindset in order to be a great teammate! Simply put, we need Less ME and More WE!

Here is the link to the Positivity Project character card on TEAMWORK.

You can view the calendar of when we study each character trait by clicking here.

WGMS Open House/Title I Night
We are really excited for our Open House on Thursday night! Students should be bringing home a copy of their schedule for you to follow throughout the evening. A copy of the schedule will be also be available in your student's homeroom. Sometimes things don't get brought home by middle school students (shocking I know!) so we do have a backup plan. You do need to know your student's homeroom number and we will have people available to help you if you do not. We start the evening off right at 6:30 PM and Open House runs until 8:30 PM. Please try to arrive early as parking is always a challenge due to outstanding parent involvement. Full parking lots are great problems to have! 

Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff. As always, if you have any questions or concerns please give me a call or send me an email. We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night at Open House!

Continued Success,
Steve Dunham
Twitter: @Sdunhamwgms