As you are aware, April is assessment month in New York State. Our students at WGMS, along with all students in grades 3-8 across New York State, will take the Common Core Assessments in English-Language Arts from April 16th -18th and Mathematics from April 24th – 26th. Our students and faculty have been working very hard all year; focusing on making sure that every child is becoming a better reader, writer, and mathematician. The state test gives us an opportunity to demonstrate the students’ learning and growth.
The NYS Education Department has explained that this year’s assessments will differ greatly from assessments that our students have taken in previous years. The following link provides a terrific explanation for parents on the overall changes with the state assessments:
As I have talked about in previous posts, in order to truly evaluate instruction you need to be in classrooms with students and teachers. As building administrators we are in classrooms every day and are confident that all of the hard work by our students, faculty and families will come shining through on these assessments. Regardless of what we think of them, let’s look at the next two weeks as an opportunity to showcase the tremendous amount of learning and growth that we have all been a part of.
Please email me or call with any questions, comments or concerns. Your feedback is always appreciated. Thank you for your continued support of our students and staff.
Steve Dunham
Twitter: @Sdunhamwgms
Steve Dunham